Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have to admit that parts of August were a bit crappy. I was so nauseous for a lot of the time, and it was a cold month. Honestly, all that I wanted to do was lay on the couch and not move. When we did have nice weather we spent our time swimming, and we made a few trips out to Park Lake.

I turned the big 3-0 this year. To celebrate my friend Erin and I decided that we should go to Vegas. Jo came with us, and Lynn and her family drove up and spent a couple of days with us. We had a lot of fun eating, shopping, and seeing the sights.

After Lynn went home, people kept asking us if we were all sisters. In fact, Dave told us that Erin looked more like one of our sisters than Lynn does.

We stayed at the Imperial Palace.

On our last night we decided that we needed to do something really "Vegas-y", so we went and saw the Drag Queens. This is us with Frank, the star of the show. We made one of Jo's life-long dreams come true.

This is one of the ways Drew spent his summer. If he wasn't studying, he was either doing class prep for next semester, or spending the 6 hours a week it took to mow the lawn (and he even mowed way less than what Doug did).

Davis, being...well...Davis.

After Drew finished his test, we decided to go camping at Writing-On-Stone. I went there for YW Camp in July, and the whole time I thought that the kids would love it there. And they did. They had so much fun climbing the hoodoo's, playing at the park, playing at the beach, and building fires. My parents were nice enough to bring their trailer down so we could stay it in. I can't wait to go back next year. In fact, Marcus keeps telling us that it was the funnest place he has ever been to, and he thinks it is more fun than Disneyland would be.

The boys always look forward to Whoop-Up Days, and their Dad taking them to the fair. It is always lots more fun when their cousins can come too.

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