Sunday, March 11, 2012

Our week

We had a really busy week.   Drew was invigilating mid-terms.  Marcus started another round of swimming lessons.  Davis is busy with school.  Phoenix is just busy.  Taylor is teething, so she isn't the happiest girl or the most well-rested.  I watched my friend's little boy for two days while she was here for a seminar, got ready for New Beginnings, and did the other Mom stuff.  And on Saturday Drew took the boys to the Sugar Bowl for our ward sledding activity. 

 Drew found some sleds the other day on clearance at Canadian Tire.  Marcus really wanted to try them out one morning, so Drew built them a mini tobogganing hill in the backyard.  We have been having some really nice weather, so a lot of their time is spent outside playing in the snow, and for the past few days, playing in the slush and water.  

Taylor sampled cream cheese icing, and we had tortellini soup for dinner, so after all that she was in need of a good bath.  Drew is good at multitasking and washes her and the dishes at the same time. 

Taylor thinks Bob is pretty cool.  She likes to watch him eat his crickets.  She wants to hold him when her brothers do, but is still a bit too small.  

Gotta love these silly boys!!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh! these pictures make me really miss you all! I can't believe how much snow you guys had. I would take the snow over the wind any day.
