Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Comfort Food"

I read a lot. I admit that there are times when I get so immersed in what I am reading that I tend to neglect my duties and my children. I am posting what I read mainly for a record for myself, so I can see how much I really do read. I've always meant to write down everything, but I never have. I really loved Kate Jacob's "Friday Night Knitting Club" books, and so I was very excited that she wrote another book, based around something else I love...Food. When I was reading the "Knitting Club" books, they always made me want to be knitting. When I was reading "Comfort Food", I had a dream that someone from The Food Network approached me to host my own Cooking Show. I guess I get too involved in what I am reading. I do love to cook. And, I think I am getting fairly good at it; although one would never guess that I am a good cook if you looked at how skinny my husband is. I especially love to bake, and I will look for any excuse to bake something.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm....I suddenly have a craving for cupcakes. I have gotten more into reading the past few months. It is something I used to do a LOT and slowed down since I got married and had kids. I signed up on Goodreads.com and love it. You can keep track of all the books you have read or want to read and you can see what books your friends are reading and get recommendations etc. I love it. MAREN
