I'm just warning you now that this post is going to be big. I mean it is going to be big and very boring to everyone but me. With everything that went on this November and December, I didn't have a lot of time to blog. My days were spent just trying to stay in one piece, and keeping everyone healthy and happy. So, lets start with some of the things we missed.
1) Halloween
This year for Halloween my boys decided that they wanted to be bats. I found a bat costume for Phoenix, but I had to be a little more creative with the other two. I did find black capes, toques and mitts, so they were bats. Davis even had Vampire teeth to complete the look. My sister Karen thought it would be funny if Drew dressed up like a vampire. The Halloween festivities started off with Katie coming over to help us carve pumpkins. I think they turned out fantastic!!
Davis made a cat, and Marcus and Katie did a Skeleton.
Davis dressed up for school on his party day. This is him with Mrs. Purple...I mean Mrs. Morton.
On Halloween, we went over to Grandma Jane and Grandpa Tom's house for a very spooky dinner with their cousins. Davis helped Grandma make some very scary looking spiders.
The Boo Crew
Isn't that the cutest bat you've ever seen?
I took the boys trick or treating with their cousins Kaiya and Jager around Tom and Jane's neighborhood. After we were done, we then went to visit Jo and Erv, the Malec's and the MacLennans.
Look at that haul!! We seriously had Halloween candy until Christmas.
2) Drew comes home
I take my husband for granted. I know I don't make a big enough effort to love and treat him like he deserves. I am thankful everyday that he is home. That he is getting stronger and that he is just about back to his usual self. I think the one of greatest days was when Drew was doing the dishes and he turned on his IPod and was singing along to it, and the boys were singing and dancing, just like it used to be. I cried after I saw that. This whole experience with Drew getting sick was the hardest thing I have ever been through. I have never felt more helpless, more lonely, more emotional or stretched to the limit like I did while he was sick. On the other hand I have never felt the Spirit so strong in my entire life. I know that my Heavenly Father was taking a very special interest in me and my family during this time. I am so thankful for our ward and our friends. I am so grateful for everyone who brought us meals and who fasted and prayed for us. I am especially grateful for my sisters who were there to support me. For Jo, for driving me to the hospital, for packing my bag (even though she forgot my toothbrush), and for that horrible night in the Lethbridge ICU when I couldn't stand on my own. For Lynn for all the texts. And for Karen who somehow knew when I needed someone to talk and cry to. I am grateful for my parents who took my kids home. It was such a great relief to not have to worry about them. To know that they were with people who loved them almost as much as I do and that they were safe. I am also grateful for Drew's parents for coming to Calgary with us, and for helping watch my boys on the nights when I had to be away. I am so very blessed.

3) The Dog Birthday
Marcus loves dogs. Whenever he is lucky enough to pick a Webkinz, he always picks a dog. His favorite one is a Jack Russell Terrior that he calls his "Daddy dog". Davis kept telling Drew and I that he was going to give Marcus two things for his Birthday, a Webkinz dog and a real dog. Of course, our response to that was "I don't think so." Marcus turned 3 on November 3, and because Drew and I were in Calgary his birthday celebration had to be postponed until November 22. Because Phoenix's birthday is November 27, we decided to do a combo birthday. We had a houseful of people, we invited Grandma and Grandpa Jensen, Jo, Erv and their kids, Grandma Wolsey, Grandma Jane, Grandpa Tom, Keith and Mandy and their kids, Geoff and Nicki and their kids, Chris and Jen and their kids, Mat, Robyn, Cohen, Jim and Nives and girls (because Marcus and Katie love each other), and the MacLennans. It is nice to have so much family around to support us.

I made very delicious cupcakes with dog bones in them, and I attempted to make a few puppy pops. Unfortunately, I only had the patience to make about 6 of them.
My birthday boys.
I love the messy cake face.
We also had rootbeer floats. I think Marcus enjoyed his.
4) Swimming Lessons
We always try to get the boys into swimming lessons. Davis this summer became a little fish and he still is. Marcus on the other hand was a bit more timid. He didn't really like swimming lessons. He hated the big pool because it was too cold.
"The Face"
5) Our first really good snow day
I am now wondering if winter will ever end, but the first day that we really get a good dump of snow is always the best.
Guess who got into trouble for throwing snowballs? Nope...it wasn't Davis!!
6) Decorating the Christmas Tree
I love Christmas. If we didn't get a real Christmas tree I swear I would put it up in November and not take it down until at least February. Drew says that he likes real trees because of the smell, but I know better. Davis really got excited about decorating this year. I was forbidden to decorate while he was at school because he wanted to help so badly.
7) Davis' Christmas Concert
I know that I am slightly biased, but I think that Kindergarten kids are so stinkin' cute. This year's songs included "10 Little Angels", "Reindeer Like to Boogie" and "The Friendly Beasts"
He's the cute one in the middle with the tie on.
8) Decorating Gingerbread Houses
Davis and I have started the tradition of decorating Gingerbread houses before Christmas. I buy a kit from somewhere, and we have fun working on it together. The only thing is that I cheat. Instead of waiting for the icing to dry, and slowly building the house, I glue it together with my glue gun, and then we cover it with icing and candy. This year we included Marcus in our tradition. Marcus and I made a house, and Davis made a train. I think this was our best year yet.
9) Christmas Sunday
I take full responsibility that I am one of those dorky mothers that make my kids wear matching outfits. I just try to justify it by saying that they are just co-ordinated and plus they look so handsome.
10) Christmas Eve
I love Christmas Eve. I think I love it more than Christmas Day. I love the excitement and I love getting together with family. This year we hosted the big Clark Christmas Extravaganza complete with the usual favorites Pizza, Rook, the Nativity, a Chinese Gift exchange, and opening Christmas jammies. It really was a fun night.
Phoenix definitely fits into our family.
Drew just can't wait for Santa to come. I hope he's not disappointed.
The crazy rook game. Maybe just the players were crazy.
The Nativity. Starring Lucy as Mary, Davis as Joseph and Matt as the Donkey...
Ryen as the Angel...
Marcus as the Shepard...
Macy as an angel, Jamie as a shepard, Karen and Jack as the Wiseman.
This is one of the reasons why Christmas was so fantastic this year. Karen and Martin finally came home for Christmas.
Davis and Jack looking really tough in their new jammies with their gifts from the gift exchange.
11) Christmas Day
As I mentioned before, Christmas this year was so fantastic. Not only did Santa spoil the Wolsey household rotten, but Karen and Martin were able to stay with us during Christmas. It was so nice to have them here. Christmas day was nice, our kids got up not too early, then we had pancakes and opened presents. Later in the day, we celebrated with the Jensens.
One of the boys favorite gifts after the Wii are these Crossbows that shoot mini-marshmellows.
12) Boxing Day
On Boxing Day it is the Wolsey's turn to celebrate. This year we went to the Senior's Centre in Magrath for our usual celebration.
There is always a program, and this year Davis decided that he wanted to sing "Your a Mean One Mr. Grinch." He did such a good job, I was so proud of him.
After we got home from Magrath and put the kids to bed, Karen called me from my parents house. She said that there was someone there who wanted to talk to me. So, I got on the phone and the voice on the other end said "Hey Marty. It's Lynn." I started to scream, and the poor girl is probably deaf from all my yelling. When Karen said she was coming home for Christmas we all hoped that Lynn would come too, but she decided not too. But, with Drew and my Mom being sick this fall, she decided to surprise us all and come. It was a surprise!! This is why this was the best Christmas ever. It was because my family was together.
13) Fun with the Family (well...I had fun)
We were already planning on going to Cardston to spend time with Karen, but I was so anxious to go because Lynn was there too. So after church was over, we went to Cardston. We had a great time eating, playing games, laughing, visiting, and going bowling. I love my sisters. I wish we all lived closer together (soon, right Karen?).
This is my entire family.
Mom always said that she wanted at least 12 grandkids. Is 8 good enough?
Phew!! I am caught up until the end of 2009!!