Friday, May 21, 2010

Ruby Lou

I have an addiction to craft blogs. One of the blogs that I frequent is Sew Much Ado that is done by a very talented girl Abby, who as a side note is my friend Maren's SIL, and who is a sister to some girls that I know through church. Abby was looking for pattern testers for her very cute Ruby Lou Doll, and I jumped at the chance to try it. I have been wanting this pattern for a while, but I always thought to myself that it would be silly because of the plethora of boys in my house. Although, Drew made fun of me, I did it anyways.
This was the most complex pattern I've ever done. I am still very much a novice sewer. I thought she turned out cute though. Now she is waiting for someone to love her.


  1. So cute, Marty. As ever, I am impressed by your craftiness! And a little jealous, but not enough to do something about it.

  2. Holy cow. I don't call that novice. Is that ever so cute!!
